Why Bitcoin’s Growth is Normal

Economists are up in arms, claiming that bitcoin’s 1000% annual growth is faster than anything they’ve ever seen. Because of that, they lash out, calling bitcoin volatile, a bubble, a pyramid scheme, etc. But don’t worry, we put on our VC glasses, compare the 4.5 year old bicoint to facebook, twitter, google at the same periods in their growth. The result is that Bitcoin’s growth is as exponential, as volatile and as normal as any enormous tech giant.

Winklevosses: Bitcoin worth at least 100 times more

twins-bitcoinCNBC covers recent volatility concerns about Bitcoin with the Winklevoss twins this morning.

The twins commented:

The small bull case scenario is a $400 billion market cap. So the market cap is around $4 billion right now
As for what regulators in Washington think about bitcoin, I think everyone recognizes the innovation and doesn’t want to stifle it. They just want to make sure there’s healthy regulations so it’s used in a safe and productive manner.

Video and Full Article: http://www.cnbc.com/id/101190181